Acetylene - Thermophysical Properties
Chemical, Physical and Thermal Properties of Acetylene.
Acetylene is a colorless gas widely used as a fuel and a chemical building block. Acetylene is unstable in its purest form. Acetylene is odorless but commercial products normally have a marked odor.
Chemical, physical and thermal properties of Acetylene (Ethyne) - C2H 2:
Molecular Weight | 26.04 |
Specific Gravity | 0.90 |
Specific Volume (ft3/lb, m3/kg) | 14.9, 0.93 |
Density of liquid at atmospheric pressure (lb/ft3, kg/m3) | 43.0, 693 |
Absolute Viscosity (lbm/ft s, centipoises) | 6.72 10-6, 0.01 |
Sound velocity in gas (m/s) | 343 |
Specific Heat - cp - (Btu/lb oF or cal/g oC, J/kgK) | 0.40, 1674 |
Specific Heat Ratio - cp/cv | 1.25 |
Gas constant - R - (ft lb/lb oR, J/kg oC) | 59.3, 319 |
Thermal Conductivity (Btu/hr ft oF, W/m oC) | 0.014, 0.024 |
Boiling Point - saturation pressure 14.7 psia and 760 mm Hg - (oF, oC) | -103, -75 |
Latent Heat of Evaporation at boiling point (Btu/lb, J/kg) | 264, 614000 |
Freezing or Melting Point at 1 atm (oF, oC) | -116, -82.2 |
Latent Heat of Fusion (Btu/lb, J/kg) | 23, 53500 |
Critical Temperature (oF, oC) | 97.1, 36.2 |
Critical Pressure (psia, MN/m2) | 907, 6.25 |
Flammable | yes |
Heat of combustion (Btu/ft3, Btu/lb, kJ/kg) | 1450, 21600, 50200 |
- values at 25 oC (77 oF, 298 K) and atmospheric pressure
See also more about atmospheric pressure, and STP - Standard Temperature and Pressure & NTP - Normal Temperature and Pressure,
as well as Thermophysical properties of: Acetone, Air, Ammonia, Argon, Benzene, Butane, Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Ethane, Ethanol, Ethylene, Helium, Hydrogen, Hydrogen sulfide, Methane, Methanol, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Pentane, Propane, Toluene, Water and Heavy water, D2O .
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