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Inorganic Compounds in Water - Melting and Boiling Temperature, Density and Solubility

Physical constants for more than 280 common inorganic compounds. Density is given for the actual state at 25°C and for liquid phase at melting point temperature.

  • Boiling point - the temperature at which a liquid turns into a gas
  • Melting point - the temperature at which a solid turns into a liquid

See Standard state and enthalpy of formation, Gibbs free energy of formation, entropy and heat capacity for thermodynamic data for the same compounds

For full table with Density, Liquid Denity at  Melting Point and Water Solubility- rotate the screen!

Inorganic Compounds in Water - Melting and Boiling Temperature, Density and Solubility
Substance Formula Melting point
Boiling temperature
Liquid density
@Melting point
Water solubility
g/100g H2O
Comments (*)
Aluminium Al 660.3 2519 2.7 2.77
Aluminium bromide AlBr3 97.5 255 3.2 2.647
Aluminium chloride AlCl3 192.6 sub 180 2.48 1.302 45
Aluminium fluoride AlF3 tp 2250* sub 1276 3.1 0.5 @220 Mpa
Aluminium hydroxide Al(OH)3 2.42
Aluminium iodide AlI3 188.28 382 3.98 3.223
Aluminium oxide Al2O3 2053 2977 3.99
Aluminium phosphate AlPO4 >1460 2.56
Ammonium NH3 -77.65 -33.33 0.7329* liquid @-77.7°C
Ammonium chloride NH4 Cl tp 520.1 sub 338 1.519 39.5
Ammonium nitrate NH4 NO3 169.7 d 200-260 1.72 213
Ammonium sulfate (NH4 )2SO4 d 280 1.77 76.4
Boron B 2077 40000 2.34 2.08
Boron fluoride BF3 -126.8 -99.9 0.002772* gas @25°C
Boron sulfide B2S3 563 ~1.7
Barium Ba 727 ~1845 3.62 3.338
Barium bromide BaBr2 857 1835 4.781 3.991 100
Barium carbonate BaCO3 1555 4.308 0.001420
Barium chloride BaCl2 961 1560 3.9 3.174 37
Barium fluoride BaF2 1368 2260 4.893 4.14 0.161
Barium hydride BaH2 1200 4.16
Barium iodide BaI2 711 5.15 4.26 221
Barium oxide BaO 1973 5.72 1.5 20
Barium sulfate BaSO4 1580 4.49 0.0003120
Beryllium Be 1287 2468 1.85 1.69
Beryllium bromide BeBr2 508 sub 473 3.465
Beryllium chloride BeCl2 415 482 1.9 1.54 71.5
Beryllium fluoride BeF2 552 1283 2.1 1.96
Beryllium hydroxide Be(OH)2 d ~200 1.92
Beryllium iodide BeI2 480 590 4.32
Beryllium oxide BeO 2578 3.01
Beryllium sulfate BeSO4 1127 2.5 41.3
Bismuth Bi 271.4 1564 9.79 10.05
Bismuth oxide Bi2O3 825 1890 8.9
Bromine Br2 -7.2 58.8 3.1028
Bromine chloride BrCl -66 d 5
Bromine fluoride BrF ~-33 d ~20 0.004043* gas @25°C
Bromine trifluoride BrF3 8.77 125.8 2.803
Cadmium Cd 321.1 767 8.69 7.996
Cadmium bromide CdBr2 568 863 5.19 4.075 115
Cadmium chloride CdCl2 568 964 4.08 3.392 120
Cadmium carbonate CdCO3 d 500 5.026
Cadmium fluoride CdF2 1075 1750 6.33 4.36
Cadmium sulfide CdS ~1480 4.826
Cadmium sulfate CdSO4 1000 4.69 76.7
Calcium Ca 842 1484 1.54 1.378
Calcium bromide CaBr2 742 1815 3.38 3.111 156
Calcium carbonate CaCO3 (aragonite) 450* 2.93 0.0006620 transformation to calcite
Calcium carbonate CaCO3 (calcite) 800 2.71 0.0006620
Calcium chloride CaCl2 775 1935 2.15 2.085 81.3
Calcium cyanamide CaCN2 ~1340 sub 2.29
Calcium fluoride CaF2 1418 2500 3.18 2.52 0.0016
Calcium hydride CaH2 1000 1.7
Calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 ~2.2 0.1620
Calcium iodide CaI2 783 1100 3.96 3.443 215
Calcium oxide CaO 2613 3.34
Calcium sulfate CaSO4 1460 2.96 0.205
Carbon C(diamond) 4440* 3.513 12.4 Gpa
Carbon C(graphite) tp 4489* sub 3825 2.2 10.3 Mpa
Carbon bromide CBr4 90 190 3.4
Carbon chloride CCl4 -23 77 1.6 0.08
Carbon dioxide CO2 tp -56.561 sub -78.464 1.56* solid @-79°C
Carbon disulfide CS2 -111.7 46.2 1.2632* 20°C
Carbon fluoride CF4 -184 -128 2.0** 0.0018* *gas @25°C  **liquid
Carbon monoxide CO -205.1 -19151 0.8495* liquid @-205.1°C
Carbon oxychloride CCl2O -104 8 1.4
Cesium Cs 28.5 671 1.873 1.843
Cesium chloride CsCl 646 1297 3.988 2.79 191
Chlorine Cl2 -101.5 -34.04 1.565* liquid @-34.0°C
Chlorine dioxide ClO2 -59 11 0.002757* gas @25°C
Chlorine fluoride ClF -155.6 -101.1 0.002226* gas @25°C
Chlorine monoxide Cl2O -120.6 2.2 0.003552* gas @25°C
Chlorine trifluoride ClF3 -76.34 11.75 0.003779* gas @25°C
Chromium Cr 1907 2671 7.15 6.3
Chromium(II) chloride CrCl2 824 1120 2.88
Chromium(III) chloride CrCl3 827 d 1300 2.76
Chromium(III) oxide Cr2O3 2432 ~3000 5.22
Chromium(IV) oxide CrO2 d ~400 4.89
Chromium(VI) oxide CrO3 197 d ~250 2.7 169
Cobalt Co 1495 2927 8.89 7.75
Cobalt chloride CoCl2 737 1049 3.36 56.2
Cobalt nitrate Co(NO3)2 d 100 2.49 103
Copper Cu 1084.6 2560 8.96 7.997
Copper(I) bromide CuBr 483 1345 4.98 0.001220
Copper(II) bromide CuBr2 498 900 4.71 126
Copper(I) chloride CuCl 423 1490 4.14 3.692 0.004720
Copper(II) chloride CuCl2 598 993 3.4 75.7
Copper(I) cyanide CuCN 474 d 2.9
Copper(I) oxide Cu2O 1244 d 1800 6
Copper(II) oxide CuO 1227 6.31
Copper sulfate CuSO4 d 560 3.6 22
Copper(I) sulfide Cu2S 1129 5.6
Copper(II) sulfide CuS trans 507 4.76
Fluorine F2 -219.7 -188.1 1.5127* liquid @-188.1°C
Fluorine oxide F2O -223.8 -144.3 0.002207* gas @25°C
Hydrogen H2 -259.16 -252.9 0.07083* liquid @-252.9°C
Hydrogen bromide HBr -86.8 -66.4 2.603* liquid @-84°C
Hydrogen chloride HCl -114.17 -85 1.187* liquid @-114.1°C
Hydrogen cyanide HCN -13.3 25.6 0.6876* liquid @25°C
Hydrogen fluoride HF -83.36 20 1.002* liquid @0°C
Hydrogen iodide HI -50.76 -35.55 2.85* liquid @-47°C
Hydrogen nitrate HNO3 -41.6 83 1.5129* liquid @20°C
Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 -0.43 150.2 1.44
Hydrogen selenide H2Se -65.73 -41.25 0.00331* gas @25°C
Hydrogen sulfide H2S -85.5 -59.55 0.9923* liquid @-85.5°C
Iodine I2 113.7 184.4 4.933 0.0320
Iodic acid HIO3 d 110 4.63 308
Iodine bromide IBr 40 d 116 4.3
Iodine chloride ICl 27.38 d 97.0 3.24
Iodine fluoride IF d -14
Iron Fe 1538 2861 7.87 7.035
Iron(II) bromide FeBr2 691 d 4.636 120
Iron(III) bromide FeBr3 d 4.5 455
Iron carbide Fe3 C 1227 7.694
Iron(II) carbonate FeCO3 3.944 0.00006220
Iron(II) chloride FeCl2 677 1023 3.16 2.348 65
Iron(III) chloride FeCl3 307.6 ~316 2.9 1.2
Iron(I) oxide FeO 1377 6
Iron(III) oxide Fe2O3 1539 5.25
Iron(II,III) oxide Fe3 O4 1597 5.17
Iron(II) sulfide FeS2 3.65 29.5
Lead Pb 327.46 1749 11.3 10.66
Lead(II) carbonate PbCO3 d ~315 6.582
Lead(II) chloride PbCl2 501 951 5.98 4.951 1.08
Lead(II) nitrate Pb(NO3)2 470 4.53 59.7
Lead(II) oxide PbO(red or litharge) 489* 9.35 transformation to massicot
Lead(II) oxide PbO(yellow or massicot) 887 9.64
Lead(IV) oxide PbO2 d 290 9.64
Lead(II) sulfate PbSO4 1087 6.29 0.0044
Lead(II) sulfide PbS 1113 7.6
Lithium Li 180.5 1342 0.534 0.512
Lithium bromide LiBr 550 ~1300 3.464 2.528 181
Lithium chloride LiCl 610 1383 2.07 1.02 84.5
Lithium fluoride LiF 848.2 1673 2.64 1.81 0.134
Lithium hydroxide LiOH 473 1626 1.45 12.5
Lithium iodide LiI 469 1171 4.06 3.109 165
Lithium nitrate LiNO3 253 2.38 1.781 102
Lithium oxide Li2O 1438 2.013
Magnesium Mg 650 1090 1.74 1.584
Magnesium bromide MgBr2 711 3.72 2.62 102
Magnesium chloride MgCl2 714 1412 2.325 1.68 56
Magnesium fluoride MgF2 1263 2227 3.148 0.013
Magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2 350 2.37 0.0006920
Magnesium oxide MgO 2825 3600 3.6
Magnesium sulfate MgSO4 1137 2.66 35.7
Magnesium sulfide MgS 2226 2.68
Manganese Mn 1246 2061 7.3 5.85
Manganese(II) bromide MnBr2 698 4.385 151
Manganese(II) chloride MnCl2 650 1190 2.977 2.353 77.3
Manganese(II) oxide MnO 1842 5.37
Manganese(IV) oxide MnO2 d 535 5.08
Manganese(II) bromide MnBr2 698 4.385 151
Manganese(II) chloride MnCl2 650 1190 2.977 2.353 77.3
Mercury Hg -38.8 356.6 13.5336
Mercury (I) bromide Hg2Br2 d 345 7.307
Mercury (II) bromide HgBr2 241 318 6.05 5.126 0.61
Mercury(I) chloride Hg2Cl2 tp 525 sub 383 7.16 0.0004
Mercury (II) chloride HgCl2 277 304 5.6 4.368 7.31
Mercury (I) iodide Hg2I2 290 7.7
Mercury (II) iodide HgI2 127* / 250 354 6.3 5.222 0.006 transformation to yellow
Mercury(II) oxide HgO d 500 11.14
Mercury(I) sulfate Hg2SO4 7.56 0.051
Mercury (II) sulfate HgSO4 6.47
Mercury(II) sulfide HgS(red) 344* 8.17 tranformation to black HgS
Mercury (II) sulfide HgS(black) 820 7.7
Molybdenum Mo 2622 4639 10.2 9.33
Molybdenum(IV) oxide MoO2 d ~1800 6.47
Molybdenum(VI) oxide MoO3 802 1155 4.7 0.1420
Molybdenum(IV) sulfide MoS2 1750 5.06
Molybdenum(VI) sulf ide MoS3 d 350
Nitrogen N2 -210 -195.79 0.8061* liquid @-195.8°C
Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0.003575* gas @25°C
Nitrogen oxide NO -163.6 -151.74 0.001226* gas @25°C
Nitrogen tetroxide N2O4 -9.3 21.15 1.45* liquid @20°C
Nitrogen trifluoride NF3 -206.79 -128.75 0.002902* gas @25°C
Nitrous oxide N2O -90.8 -88.48 0.001799* gas @25°C
Nickel Ni 1455 2913 8.9 7.81
Nickel(II) bromide NiBr2 963 sub 5.1 13120
Nickel(II) chloride NiCl2 1031 sub 985 3.51 2.653 67.5
Nickel(II) fluoride NiF2 1380 4.7 2.56
Nickel(II) hydroxide Ni(OH)2 d 230 4.1 0.0001520
Nickel(III) oxide Ni2O3 ~600
Osmium Os 3033 5008 22.587* 20 @20°C
Osmium(VIII) oxide OsO4 40.6 131.2 5.1 6.4420
Oxygen O2 -218.79 -182.96 1.141* liquid @-183.0°C
Ozone O3 -193 -111.35 0.001962* gas @25°C
Phosphine PH3 -133.8 -87.75 0.001390* gas @25°C
Phosphonic acid H3 PO4 42.4 407 1.8 54820
Phosphorus P(black) 610 2.69
Phosphorus P(red) 579.2 sub 431 2.16
Phosphorus P(white) 44.15 280.5 1.823
Phosphorus(III) chloride PCl5 tp 167 sub 160 2.1
Phosphorus(V) oxide P2O5 562 605 2.3
Phosphorus trichloride PCl3 -93 76 1.574
Phosphoryl chloride POCl3 1.18 105.5 1.645
Potassium K 63.5 759 0.89 0.828
Potassium bromide KBr 734 1435 2.7467.8 2.127 25
Potassium carbonate K2CO3 899 d 2.29 111
Potassium chlorate KClO3 357 d 2.34 8.61
Potassium chloride KCl 771 1.98835.5 1.527 25
Potassium cyanide KCN 622 1.55 69.920
Potassium fluoride KF 858 1502 2.48 1.910 102
Potassium iodide KI 681 1323 3.12 2.448 148
Potassium manganate KMnO4 d 2.7 7.6
Potassium nitrate KNO3 334 d 400 2.105 1.865 38.3
Potassium nitrite KNO2 438 e 537 1.915 312
Potassium oxide K2O 740 2.35
Potassium peroxide K2O2 545 d
Potassium sulfate K2SO4 1069 2.66 12
Rubidium Rb 39.3 688 1.53 1.46
Rubidium chloride RbCl 724 1390 2.76 2.248 93.9
Silver Ag 961.8 2162 10.5 9.32
Silver bromide AgBr 430 1502 6.47 5.577 0.000014
Silver carbonate Ag2CO3 218 6.077 0.003620
Silver chloride AgCl 455 1547 5.56 4.83 0.00019
Silver cyanide AgCN d 320 3.95 0.0000011
Silver fluoride AgF 435 1159 5.852 17220
Silver iodide AgI 558 1506 5.68 5.58 0.000003
Silver nitrate AgNO3 210 d 440 4.35 3.970 234
Silver oxide Ag2O 827 7.2 0.0025
Silver sulfate Ag2SO4 660 4.84
Silver sulfide Ag2S 836 7.23
Sodium Na 97.794 882.94 0.97 0.927
Sodium azide NaN3 d 300 1.846 40.820
Sodium bromide NaBr 747 1390 3.2 2.342 94.6
Sodium carbonate Na2CO3 856 2.54 1.972 30.7
Sodium chloride NaCl 802.02 1465 2.17 1.556 36
Sodium cyanide NaCN 562 1.6 58.220
Sodium fluoride NaF 996 1704 2.78 1.948 4.13
Sodium hydride NaH 638 1.39
Sodium hydroxide NaOH 323 1388 2.13 100
Sodium nitrate NaNO3 306.5 0.261 1.90 91.2
Sodium oxide Na2O 1134 2.27
Sodium peroxide Na2O2 675 2.805
Sodium sulfate Na2SO4 884 2.7 2.069 28.1
Sodium superoxide NaO2 284 d >320 2.17 84.8
Sulfur S(rhombic) 92.5* 444.61 2.07 transformation to monoclinic
Sulfur S(monoclinic) 115.21 444.61 2 1.819
Sulfuric acid H2SO4 10.31 337 1.8305 liquid @20°C
Sulfur dioxide SO2 -75.45 10.02 1.60* liquid @-75.5°C
Sulfur trioxide SO3 (γ-form) 16.8 44.5 1.9
Sulfuryl chloride SO2Cl2 -51 69.4 1.68
Selenium Se(gray) 220.8 685 4.809 3.99
Silicon Si 1414 3265 2.3296 2.57
Silicon carbide SiC(hexagonal) 2830 3.16
Silicon tetraboride SiB4 d 1870 2.4
Siliane SiH4 -185 -111.9 0.001313 gas @25°C
Tin Sn(gray) 13.2* 2586 5.769 transformation to white
Tin Sn(white) 231.9 2586 7.287 6.979
Tin(IV) chloride SnCl4 -34.07 114.15 2.234 2.37
Tin(IV) oxide SnO2 1630 6.85
Titanium Ti 1670 3287 4.506 4.11
Titanium(II) chloride TiCl2 1035 1500 3.13
Titanium(III) chloride TiCl3 d 425 960 2.64
Titanium(IV) chloride TiCl4 -24.12 136.45 1.73 1.807
Titanium(IV) oxide TiO2(rutile)
1912 ~3000 4.17
Uranium U 1135 4131 19.1 17.3
Uranium (IV) fluoride UF4 1036 1417 6.7 6.485 0.01
Uranium (VI) fluoride UF6 tp 64.06 sub 56.5 5.09
Uranium (IV) oxide UO2 2847 10.97
Vanadium V 1910 3407 6 5.5
Vanadium(III) chloride VCl3 d 500 3
Vanadium(IV) chloride VCl4 -28 151 1.816
Vanadium(V) oxide V2O5 681 1750 3.35 0.07
Water H2O 0.00 99.974 0.9970
Zinc Zn 419.5 907 7.134 6.57
Zinc bromide ZnBr2 402 ~670 4.5 3.47 488
Zinc chloride ZnCl2 325 732 2.907 2.54 408
Zinc fluoride ZnF2 872 1500 4.9 1.55
Zinc iodide ZnI2 450 625 4.74 3.878 438
Zinc oxide ZnO 1974 5.6
Zinc nitrate Zn(NO3)2 d
Zinc sulfate ZnSO4 d 680 3.8 3.14 57.7
Zinc sulfide ZnS(sphalerite) 1020* 4.04 transformation to wurtzite
Zinc sulfide ZnS(wurtzite) 1827 sub 4.09
Zirconium Zr 1854 4406 6.52 5.8
Zirconium(II) chloride ZrCl2 722 3.16
Zirconium(IV) chloride ZrCl4 tp 437 sub 331 2.8 1.643
1) : Solubility at 25°C unless other temperature in °C is indicated with superscript,     * : comment is given in the last column
d : decomposes,    e : explodes,     tp : triple point,       sub : sublimates (solid to gas)

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