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Ethanol - Dynamic and Kinematic Viscosity vs. Temperature and Pressure

Online calculator, figures and tables showing dynamic and kinematic viscosity of ethanol, C2H5OH, at varying temperature and pressure - Imperial and SI Units.

The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to gradual deformation by shear stress or tensile stress .

For further definitions, go to Absolute (dynamic) and kinematic viscosity . Absolute or dynamic viscosity is used to calculate Reynold's Number to determine if a fluid flow is laminar, transient or turbulent.

Tabulated values of ethanol viscosity and viscosity units conversion are given below the figures.

Online Ethanol Viscosity Calculator

The calculator below can be used to calculate ethanol dynamic or kinematic viscosity at given temperatures and atmospheric pressure.
The output dynamic viscosity is given as Pa*s, N*s/m2, cP, mPa*s, lbf *s/ft2and lbm /(ft*h),
while the kinematic viscosity is given as cSt, m2/s, and ft2/s

Choose the actual unit of temperature:

See also other properties of Ethanol at varying temperature and pressure: Density and specific weight and Specific heat (heat capacity) ,  and Thermophysical properties at standard conditions ,
as well as dynamic and kinematic viscosity of air , ammonia , benzene , butane , carbon dioxide , ethane , ethylene , methane , methanol , nitrogen , oxygen , propane and water .

Dynamic and kinematic viscosity of liquid ethanol at atmospheric pressure and varying temperature:

Ethanol viscosity liquid 1 bara C
Ethanol viscosity liquid 1 bara F

Dynamic and kinematic viscosity of gaseous ethanol at atmospheric pressure and varying temperature: Ethanol viscosity gas 1 bara C
Ethanol viscosity gas 1 bara F

Dynamic viscosity of ethanol at varying temperature and 1, 10, 50 and 100 bara (14.5, 145, 725 and 1450 psia):
Ethanol dynamic viscosity pressure C
Ethanol dynamic viscosity pressure F

Kinematic viscosity of ethanol at varying temperature and 1, 10, 50 and 100 bara (14.5, 145, 725 and 1450 psia):

Ethanol kinematic viscosity pressure C
Ethanol kinematic viscosity pressure F

Dynamic viscosity of ethanol  at gas-liquid equilibrium pressure:
Ethanol dynamic viscosity equlibrium C

Ethanol dynamic viscosity equlibrium F

Kinematic viscosity of ethanol at gas-liquid equilibrium pressure:
Ethanol kinematic viscosity equlibrium C

Ethanol kinematic viscosity equlibrium F

Dynamic (absolute) and kinematic viscosity of ethanol at given temperatures and pressures, SI and Imperial units:

For full table with Dynamic and Kinematic Viscosity - rotate the screen!

Ethanol -  Dynamic and Kinematic Viscosity vs. Temperature and Pressure
State Temperature Pressure Dynamic (Absolute) Viscosity Kinematic Viscosity
[K] [°C] [°F] [bara] [psia] [μPa s] [cP] [lbf s/ft2*10-6 ] [lbm /ft s*10-6 ] [lbm /ft h] [cSt],
[m2/s*10-6 ]
[ft2/s*10-6 ]
Liquid at
250 -23.2 -9.7 0.00270 0.0392 3141 3.141 65.60 2111 7.598 3.806 40.97
260 -13.2 8.3 0.00602 0.0874 2465 2.465 51.48 1656 5.963 3.015 32.46
265 -8.1 17.3 0.00895 0.130 2182 2.182 45.57 1466 5.278 2.685 28.90
280 6.9 44.3 0.0258 0.375 1564 1.564 32.67 1051 3.784 1.954 21.04
295 21.9 71.3 0.0661 0.959 1153 1.153 24.07 774.4 2.788 1.462 15.74
300 26.9 80 0.0877 1.27 1044 1.044 21.80 701.5 2.526 1.332 14.34
310 36.9 98 0.153 2.22 869.4 0.8694 18.16 584.2 2.103 1.121 12.07
320 46.9 116 0.252 3.66 726.6 0.7266 15.18 488.3 1.758 0.9487 10.21
340 66.9 152 0.635 9.22 524.9 0.5249 10.96 352.7 1.270 0.7019 7.555
370 96.9 206 2.02 29.3 337.0 0.3370 7.039 226.5 0.8153 0.4703 5.062
400 127 260 5.24 76.1 225.9 0.2259 4.718 151.8 0.5465 0.3319 3.573
430 157 314 11.6 169 155.4 0.1554 3.245 104.4 0.3758 0.2436 2.622
460 187 368 22.9 332 107.6 0.1076 2.248 72.32 0.2603 0.1843 1.984
490 217 422 41.0 594 72.21 0.07221 1.508 48.52 0.1747 0.1424 1.533
501.4 228 443 50.0 725 59.51 0.05951 1.243 39.99 0.1440 0.1290 1.389
Gas at equilibrium 250 -23.2 -9.7 0.00270 0.0392 7.272 0.00727 0.1519 4.886 0.01759 1214 13071
260 -13.2 8.3 0.00602 0.0874 7.586 0.00759 0.1584 5.098 0.01835 590.4 6354
265 -8.1 17.3 0.00895 0.130 7.743 0.00774 0.1617 5.203 0.01873 413.3 4448
280 6.9 44.3 0.0258 0.375 8.211 0.00821 0.1715 5.518 0.01986 160.4 1726
295 21.9 71.3 0.0661 0.959 8.676 0.00868 0.1812 5.830 0.02099 69.54 748.5
300 26.0 78.8 0.0877 1.27 8.829 0.00883 0.1844 5.933 0.02136 54.20 583.4
310 36.9 98.3 0.153 2.22 9.135 0.00914 0.1908 6.139 0.02210 33.15 356.8
320 46.9 116 0.252 3.66 9.344 0.00934 0.1952 6.279 0.02260 21.11 227.2
340 66.9 152 0.635 9.22 10.04 0.01004 0.2097 6.747 0.02429 9.485 102.1
370 96.9 206 2.02 29.3 10.93 0.01093 0.2283 7.344 0.02644 3.436 36.99
400 127 260 5.24 76.1 11.82 0.01182 0.2469 7.943 0.02859 1.476 15.89
430 157 314 11.6 169 12.77 0.01277 0.2668 8.584 0.03090 0.7168 7.715
460 187 368 22.9 332 13.96 0.01396 0.2916 9.381 0.03377 0.3806 4.096
490 217 422 41.0 594 15.98 0.01598 0.3338 10.74 0.03866 0.2149 2.313
501.4 228 443 50.0 725 17.45 0.01745 0.3645 11.73 0.04222 0.1737 1.870
Liquid 248 -25 -13 1 14.5 3260 3.260 68.09 2191 7.886 3.945 42.47
273 0 32 1 14.5 1786 1.786 37.30 1200 4.320 2.214 23.83
298 25 77.0 1 14.5 1074 1.074 22.43 721.7 2.598 1.368 14.73
323 50 122 1 14.5 694.0 0.6940 14.49 466.3 1.679 0.9092 9.787
348 75 167 1 14.5 476.0 0.4760 9.941 319.9 1.151 0.6432 6.923
351.1 77.9 172.2 1 14.5 443.1 0.4431 9.255 297.8 1.072 0.6014 6.473
Gas 351.1 77.9 172.2 1 14.5 10.37 0.01037 0.2166 6.968 0.02508 6.373 68.60
400 127 260 1 14.5 11.85 0.01185 0.2476 7.965 0.02867 8.414 90.57
500 227 440 1 14.5 14.77 0.01477 0.3084 9.924 0.03573 13.25 142.6
600 327 620 1 14.5 17.54 0.01754 0.3664 11.79 0.04244 18.96 204.1
Liquid 300 27 80 10 145 1053 1.053 22.00 707.7 2.548 1.342 14.45
323 50 122 10 145 700.0 0.7000 14.62 470.4 1.693
348 75 167 10 145 483.0 0.4830 10.09 324.6 1.168
400 127 260 10 145 227.3 0.2273 4.748 152.8 0.5499 0.3335 3.590
423.9 151 303 10 145 167.5 0.1675 3.499 112.6 0.4052 0.2588 2.786
Gas 423.9 151 303 10 145 12.57 0.01257 0.2625 8.445 0.03040 0.8243 8.873
500 227 440 10 145 14.86 0.01486 0.3103 9.985 0.03595 1.262 13.58
600 327 620 10 145 17.68 0.01768 0.3692 11.88 0.04276 1.878 20.21
Liquid 300 27 80 50 725 1080 1.080 22.55 725.5 2.612 1.370 14.74
323 50 122 50 725 726.4 0.7264 15.17 488.1 1.757
348 75 167 50 725 498.0 0.4980 10.40 334.6 1.205
400 127 260 50 725 238.8 0.2388 4.988 160.5 0.5777 0.3465 3.730
501.4 228 443 50 725 59.51 0.05951 1.243 39.99 0.1440 0.1290 1.389
Gas 501.4 228 443 50 725 17.45 0.01745 0.3645 11.73 0.04222 0.1737 1.870
600 327 620 50 725 18.97 0.01897 0.3962 12.75 0.04589 0.3621 3.898
Liquid 300 27 80 100 1450 1112 1.112 23.22 747.1 2.690 1.403 15.10
323 50 122 100 1450 758.6 0.7586 15.84 509.8 1.835
348 75 167 100 1450 520.0 0.5200 10.86 349.4 1.258
400 127 260 100 1450 252.4 0.2524 5.271 169.6 0.6106 0.3617 3.893
500 227 440 100 1450 80.68 0.08068 1.685 54.21 0.1952 0.1520 1.636
600 327 620 100 1450 23.41 0.02341 0.4889 15.73 0.05663 0.1815 1.953

Unit conversion:

Viscosity Dynamic, Absolute
centipoise [cP], gram/(centimeter second) [g/(cm s)] = poise [P],  kilogram/meter second [kg/m s]=newton second/square meter [N s/m2]= pascal second [Pa s], pound/(foot hour) [lb/(ft h)], pound/(foot second) [lb/(ft s)], reyn [reyn]

  • 1 cP = 0.001 Pa s = 0.01 P = = 0.01 g/(cm sec) = 6.72197x10-4 lb/(ft s) = 2.4191 lb/(ft h)
  • 1 lb/(ft h) = 0.00027778 lb/(ft s) = 0.00041338 Pa s = 0.0041338 P = 0.41338 cP
  • 1 lb/(ft s) = 3600 lb/(ft h) = 1.48816 Pa s = 14.8816 P = 1488.16 cP
  • 1 kg/(m s ) = 1 (N s)/m2= 1 Pa s = 10 P = 1000 cP = 0.672197 lb/(ft s) = 2419.09 lb/(ft h)
  • 1 (N s)/m2= 1 kg/(m s ) = 1 Pa s = 10 P = 1000 cP = 0.672197 lb/(ft s) = 2419.09 lb/(ft h)
  • 1 P = 1 g/(cm s) = 0.1 Pa s = 100 cP = 0.067197 lb/(ft s) = 241.909 lb/(ft h)
  • 1 Pa s = 1 kg/(m s) = 1 (N s)/m2= 10 P = 1000 cP = 0.672197 lb/(ft s) = 2419.08 lb/(ft h) =  0.00014504 reyn
  • 1 reyn = 6894.76 Pa s

Absolute or Dynamic Viscosity Unit Converter

Viscosity Kinematic
centistoke [cSt] = square millimeter/second [mm2/s], square foot/hour [ft2/h], square foot/second [ft2/s], square inch/second [in2/s], square meter/hour [m2/h], square meter/second [m2/s], stoke [St] = square centimeter/second [cm2/s]

  • 1 cm2/s = 1 St = 100 mm2/s = 100 cSt = 1x10-4 m2/s = 0.36 m2/h = 1.07639x10-3 ft2/s = 3.875008 ft2/h = 0.1550003 in2/s
  • 1 cSt = 1 mm2/s = 0.01 St = 1x10-6 m2/s = 0.0036 m2/h = 1.07639x10 -5 ft2/s = 0.03875008 ft2/h = 0.001550003 in2/s
  • 1 ft2/h = 2.7778x10-4 ft2/s = 0.04 in2/s = 2.58064x10 -5 m2/s = 0.09290304 m2/h = 25.8064 cS = 0.258064 St
  • 1 ft2/s = 3600 ft2/h = 144 in2/s = 0.09290304 m2/s = 334.451 m2/h = 92903.04 cSt = 929.0304 St
  • 1 in2/s = 0.0069444 ft2/s = 25 ft2/h = 0.00064516 m2/s = 2.322576 m2/h = 645.16 cSt = 6.4516 St
  • 1 m2/h = 1/3600 m2/s = 2.7778x10-4 m2/s = 2.7778 cm2/s = 277.78 mm2/s = 277.78 cSt = 2.7778 St = 0.00298998 ft2/s = 10.7639 ft2/h = 0.430556 in2/s
  • 1 m2/s = 3600 m2/h = 1x104 cm2/s = 1x104 St = 1x106 mm2/s = 1x106 cSt = 10.7639 ft2/s = 38750.08 ft2/h = 1550003 in2/s
  • 1 mm2/s = 1 cSt = 1x10-6 m2/s = 0.0036 m2/h = 0.01 cm2/s = 0.01 St = 1.07639x10 -5 ft2/s = 0.03875008 ft2/h = 0.001550003 in2/s
  • 1 St = 1 cm2/s = 100 cSt = 100 mm2/s = 1x10-4 m2/s = 0.36 m2/h = 1.076x10-3 ft2/s = 3.875008 ft2/h = 0.1550003 in2/s

Kinematic Viscosity Unit Converter

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Unit Converter

