Mathematical rules and laws - numbers, areas, volumes, exponents, trigonometric functions and more.
Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
How to add and subtract fraction numbers.
Algebraic Expressions
Principal algebraic expressions formulas.
Angle Calculator - Carpenter's Square
Calculate angles with a straight board across carpenter's square.
Angle Converter
Converting between angle units.
Area of Intersecting Circles
Calculate area of intersecting circles
Area Survey App
Online app that can be used to make an exact plot of a surveyed area - like a room, a property or any 2D shape.
ASCII codes and characters.
Binary Adding, Subtraction, Multiplicaton and Division
Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing binary numbers.
Binary to Decimal, Hexadecimal and ASCII Converter
Convert between binary, decimal and hexadecimal numbers.
Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers
Decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers.
Binomial Theorem
Binomial theorem for positive integers.
Boolean Algebra
Logic functions where the values of variables are true (1) or false (0).
Cartesian Coordinate System - Distance and Intermediate Position Between Two Points
Distance and intermediate position between two point in a cartesian x and y coordinate system.
Center of Gravity
A body and the center of gravity.
Centroids of Plane Areas
The controid of square, rectangle, circle, semi-circle and right-angled triangle.
Circle - the Chord Lengths when Divided in to Equal Segments
Calculate chord lengths when dividing the circumference of a circle into an equal number of segments.
Circle Equation
The equation for a circle
Circles on the Outside of a Circle
Calculate the numbers of circles on the outside of an inner circle - like the geometry of rollers on a shaft.
Circles within a Rectangle - Calculator
Calculate the maximum number of circles within a rectangle - can be used to calculate the numbers of pipes or wires in a conduit or similar.
Complex Numbers
Complex numbers are used in alternating current theory and mechanical vector analysis.
Content in Horizontal - or Sloped - Cylindrical Tanks or Pipes
Volume of partly filled horizontal or sloped cylindrical tanks or pipes - online calculator.
Data Types
Signed vs. unsigned datatypes.
Decimal System Prefixes
Prefix names used for multiples and submultiples units.
Differential Calculus
Derivatives and differentiation expressions.
Discrete Data Sets and their Mean, Median and Mode Values
Calculate the arithmetic mean, median and modal values from discrete data sets.
Distance between 3D Points
Distance between two points in a three dimension x, y and z coordinate system - online calculator.
Elementary Curves
Ellipse, circle, hyperbola, parabola, parallel, intersecting and coincident lines.
Elementary Surfaces
Ellipsoid, sphere, hyperboloid, cone and more.
Equal Areas - Circles vs. Squares
Radius and side lengths of equal areas, circles and squares.
Exponents - Powers and Roots
The laws of fractional and integer exponents.
The product of all positive integers.
Law of fractions
Fractions and Decimal Inches Equivalents
The inches fractional and decimal equivalents.
Geometric Shapes - Areas
Areas, diagonals and more - of geometric figures like rectangles, triangles, trapezoids ..
Hexagons and Squares - Diagonal Lengths
Distances between corners for hexagons and squares.
Hyperbolic Functions
Exponential functions related to the hyperbola.
Law of Cosines
One side of a triangle when the opposite angle and two sides are known.
Law of Sines
Calculate the angles in a generic triangle.
Law of Tangents
Triangles and law of tangents.
Laws of Indices
Simplifying calculations by involving indices.
Length of a Spiral
Calculate the length of a spiral or the length of material contained in a roll.
The rules of logarithms - log10 and loge for numbers ranging 1 to 1000.
Minutes vs. Degrees - Converting Chart
Convert from minutes to degrees.
Numbers - Squares, Cubes and Roots
Numbers - squares, cubes, square roots and cube roots.
Numbers - Standard Form, Scientific and Engineering Notation
The difference between standard, scientific and engineering number notation.
Oblique Triangle
Calculate oblique triangles.
Optical Distance Law
Geometric dilution of light vs. distance.
Working with relative values.
Pipes - Fractional Equivalents
Fractional vs. decimal inches.
Polar vs. Cartesian Coordinates
Convert between Cartesian and Polar coordinates.
Prime Numbers
Prime numbers up to 1000.
Pythagorean Theorem
Verifying square corners.
Radians vs. Degrees
Radian is the SI unit of angle. Convert between degrees and radians. Calculate angular velocity.
Ratios and Proportions
The relative values between quantities - ratios and proportions.
Regular Polygons
Areas of regular polygons - polygons with 3 to 12 sides.
Right Angled Triangle
Right angled triangle equations.
Scientific Calculator
Online scientific calculator.
Smaller Circles within a Large Circle - Calculator
Calculate the number of small circles that fits into an outer larger circle - ex. how many pipes or wires fits into a larger pipe or conduit.
Smaller Rectangles within a Larger Rectangle
The maximum number of smaller rectangles - or squares - within a larger rectangle (or square).
Solids - Volumes and Surfaces
The volume and surface of solids like rectangular prism, cylinders, pyramids, cones and spheres - online calculator.
Solving Equations of the First Degree with One Unknown
Equations with one unknown.
Solving First Degree Equations with Two Unknowns
Online calculator and solbing procedure for two equations with two unknowns.
Solving Quadratic Equation with One Unknown
How to solve a quadratic equation.
Square, Cube, Square Root and Cubic Root Calculator
Calculate square, cube, square root and cubic root of numbers. Values tabulated for numbers ranging 1 to 100.
Squaring with Diagonal Measurements
A rectangle is square if the lengths of both diagonals are equal.
Standard Differentials and Integrals
Equations for differentials and integrals.
A unit of solid-angle measure in the International System of Units (SI)
Taylor Series
Function as an infinite sum of terms.
Triangle analytical geometry.
Trigonometric Functions
Sine, cosine and tangent - the natural trigonometric functions.
Vector Addition
Online vector calculator - add vectors with different magnitude and direction - like forces, velocities and more.