Fractions and Decimal Inches Equivalents
64ths | 32nds | 16ths | 8ths | 4ths | half | whole | decimal (in) |
1/64 | 0.0156 | ||||||
2/64 | 1/32 | 0.0313 | |||||
3/64 | 0.0469 | ||||||
4/64 | 2/32 | 1/16 | 0.0625 | ||||
5/64 | 0.0781 | ||||||
6/64 | 3/32 | 0.0938 | |||||
7/64 | 0.1094 | ||||||
8/64 | 4/32 | 2/16 | 1/8 | 0.1250 | |||
9/64 | 0.1406 | ||||||
10/64 | 5/32 | 0.1563 | |||||
11/64 | 0.1719 | ||||||
12/64 | 6/32 | 3/16 | 0.1875 | ||||
13/64 | 0.2031 | ||||||
14/64 | 7/32 | 0.2188 | |||||
15/64 | 0.2344 | ||||||
16/64 | 8/32 | 4/16 | 2/8 | 1/4 | 0.2500 | ||
17/64 | 0.2656 | ||||||
18/64 | 9/32 | 0.2813 | |||||
19/64 | 0.2969 | ||||||
20/64 | 10/32 | 5/16 | 0.3125 | ||||
21/64 | 0.3281 | ||||||
22/64 | 11/32 | 0.3438 | |||||
23/64 | 0.3594 | ||||||
24/64 | 12/32 | 6/16 | 3/8 | 0.3750 | |||
25/64 | 0.3906 | ||||||
26/64 | 13/32 | 0.4063 | |||||
27/64 | 0.4219 | ||||||
28/64 | 14/32 | 7/16 | 0.4375 | ||||
29/64 | 0.4531 | ||||||
30/64 | 15/32 | 0.4688 | |||||
31/64 | 0.4844 | ||||||
32/64 | 16/32 | 8/16 | 4/8 | 2/4 | 1/2 | 0.5000 | |
33/64 | 0.5156 | ||||||
34/64 | 17/32 | 0.5313 | |||||
35/64 | 0.5469 | ||||||
36/64 | 18/32 | 9/16 | 0.5625 | ||||
37/64 | 0.5781 | ||||||
38/64 | 19/32 | 0.5938 | |||||
39/64 | 0.6094 | ||||||
40/64 | 20/32 | 10/16 | 5/8 | 0.6250 | |||
41/64 | 0.6406 | ||||||
42/64 | 21/32 | 0.6563 | |||||
43/64 | 0.6719 | ||||||
44/64 | 22/32 | 11/16 | 0.6875 | ||||
45/64 | 0.7031 | ||||||
46/64 | 23/32 | 0.7188 | |||||
47/64 | 0.7344 | ||||||
48/64 | 24/32 | 12/16 | 6/8 | 3/4 | 0.7500 | ||
49/64 | 0.7656 | ||||||
50/64 | 25/32 | 0.7813 | |||||
51/64 | 0.7969 | ||||||
52/64 | 26/32 | 13/16 | 0.8125 | ||||
53/64 | 0.8281 | ||||||
54/64 | 27/32 | 0.8438 | |||||
55/64 | 0.8594 | ||||||
56/64 | 28/32 | 14/16 | 7/8 | 0.8750 | |||
57/64 | 0.8906 | ||||||
58/64 | 29/32 | 0.9063 | |||||
59/64 | 0.9219 | ||||||
60/64 | 30/32 | 15/16 | 0.9375 | ||||
61/64 | 0.9531 | ||||||
62/64 | 31/32 | 0.9688 | |||||
63/64 | 0.9844 | ||||||
64/64 | 32/32 | 16/16 | 8/8 | 4/4 | 2/2 | 1/1 | 1.000 |
- 1 inch = 25.4 mm
Fractions consist of two basic parts:
- denominator - or bottom number
- numerator - or the top number
Fraction to Decimal - Example
Convert 1/8" to decimal:
- numerator is top number - numerator is 1
- denominator is bottom number - denominator is 8
- divide the top number with the bottom number - 1/8 = 0.125
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