Wood Species - Densities
Densities of seasoned & dry wood are indicated in the table below:
Wood Specie | Density (kg/m3) |
Alder | 420 - 680 |
Afrormosia | 710 |
Agba | 510 |
Apple | 650 - 850 |
Ash, white | 650 - 850 |
Ash, black | 540 |
Ash, European | 710 |
Aspen | 420 |
Balsa | 110 - 140 |
Bamboo | 310 - 400 |
Basswood | 320 - 590 |
Beech | 700 - 900 |
Birch | 510 - 770 |
Birch, British | 670 |
Birch, European | 670 |
Blue gum | 1000 |
Box | 950 - 1160 |
Butternut | 380 |
Cedar | 490 - 570 |
Cedar of Lebanon | 580 |
Cedar, western red | 380 |
Cherry | 630 - 900 |
Cherry, European | 630 |
Chestnut, sweet | 560 |
Cottonwood | 410 |
Cypress | 510 |
Dogwood | 760 |
Douglas Fir | 530 |
Ebony | 1110 - 1330 |
Elm | 540 - 600 |
Elm, American | 570 |
Elm, English | 550 - 600 |
Elm, Dutch | 560 |
Elm, Wych | 690 |
Elm, Rock | 820 |
Gaboon | 430 |
Greenheart | 1040 |
Gum, Black | 590 |
Gum, Blue | 820 |
Gum, Red | 540 |
Hackberry | 620 |
Hemlock, western | 500 |
Hickory | 600 - 930 |
Holly | 760 |
Iroko | 660 |
Juniper | 560 |
Keruing | 740 |
Larch | 500 - 560 |
Lignum Vitae | 1170 - 1330 |
Lime, European | 560 |
Locust | 670 - 710 |
Logwood | 910 |
Madrone | 740 |
Magnolia | 570 |
Mahogany, African | 500 - 850 |
Mahogany, Cuban | 660 |
Mahogany, Honduras | 650 |
Mahogany, Spanish | 850 |
Maple | 620 - 750 |
Meranti, dark red | 710 |
Myrtle | 660 |
Oak | 600 - 900 |
Oak, American Red | 740 |
Oak, American White | 770 |
Oak, English Brown | 740 |
Obeche | 390 |
Oregon Pine | 530 |
Parana Pine | 560 |
Pear | 610 - 730 |
Pecan | 770 |
Persimmon | 900 |
Philippine Red Luan | 590 |
Pine, pitch | 830 850 |
Pine, Corsican | 510 |
Pine, radiata | 480 |
Pine, Scots | 510 |
Pine, white | 350 - 500 |
Pine, yellow | 420 |
Plane, European | 640 |
Plum | 660 - 780 |
Poplar | 350 - 500 |
Ramin | 670 |
Redwood, American | 450 |
Redwood, European | 510 |
Rosewood, Bolivian | 820 |
Rosewood, East Indian | 900 |
Sapele | 640 |
Satinwood | 950 |
Spruce | 480 - 780 |
Spruce, Canadian | 450 |
Spruce, Norway | 430 |
Spruce, Sitka | 450 |
Spruce, western white | 450 |
Sycamore | 400 - 600 |
Tanguile | 640 |
Teak, Indian | 660 - 980 |
Teak, African | 980 |
Teak, Burma | 740 |
Utile | 660 |
Walnut | 640 - 700 |
Walnut, Amer Black | 630 |
Walnut, Claro | 490 |
Walnut, European | 570 |
Water gum | 1000 |
Whitewood, European | 470 |
Willow | 400 - 600 |
Yew | 670 |
Zebrawood | 790 |
- 1 kg/m3 = 0.001 g/cm3 = 0.0005780 oz/in3 = 0.16036 oz/gal (Imperial) = 0.1335 oz/gal (U.S.) = 0.0624 lb/ft3 = 0.000036127 lb/in3 = 1.6856 lb/yd3 = 0.010022 lb/gal (Imperial) = 0.008345 lb/gal (U.S) = 0.0007525 ton/yd3
After felling, timber will lose moisture to align itself with the atmospheric conditions. Moisture content should be lower than 20% to stop fungal attack. Seasoning is the name of the process where moisture content is reduced to the appropriate level for proposed use.
Shrinkage will occurs as a result of the moisture loss - typical 3-4% across the grain.
Related Topics
• Densities
Densities of solids, liquids and gases. Definitions and convertion calculators.
• Material Properties
Properties of gases, fluids and solids. Densities, specific heats, viscosities and more.
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