CO2 Calculator - Emissions from Airplanes
Calculator for CO2 emissions from planes, comparing with alternative forms of transportation (as train, bus, conventional and electrical cars).
Online CO2calculator for travel by plane
By filling in the required information, the calculator below can be used to estimate the CO2emmisions from your travels by plane.
Additionally, it compares with emissions from alternative ways of travel.
How long is your flight?
Not sure how far you are going? See Driving distance between European cities and Flight distances between cities in and between different continents.
Unit converter, for conversion to and from non-SI units
A few words about the assumptions for the calculator:
- The calculations are based on the average of todays aircraft fleet. The most modern aircrafts might have 15-30% less fuel consumption, giving similar less CO2emissions.
- Average utilization of plane seats is 60-70%, and the calculations are based on average values. Airplanes that are 100% filled will have lower CO2emissions than shown by the calculator.
- For trips shorter than 750 km (466 miles), the same and average CO2emission numbers are used for all seat classes.
- For alternative ways of travel based on electric power (trains and el cars), the CO2emissions are strongly dependent on the energy source. The calculator uses "m edium CO2electricity", which is an even blend of non-emission electric power and power from power plants fired with hydrocarbons (gass, oil or coal). See CO2 calculator - emissions from trains for more detailed calculations based on different energy sources.
- In comparison with alternative ways of travel, the efficiency regard to distance is set to be:
Plane: 1 (reference - and the most efficient)
Car: 1.23 km/km with plane
Bus: 1.27 km/km with plane
Train: 1.33 km/km with plane
(The difference is due to more straight driving lines for planes)
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