Steam & Condensate Equations
Some common steam and condensate equations:
Steam Heating
ms = h / 960 (1)
ms = steam mass flow rate (lbs/hr)
h = heat flow rate (Btu/hr)
Steam Heating Liquid Flow
ms = ql 500 SGl Cpl dtl / Ls (2)
ms = steam mass flow rate (lbs/hr)
ql= volume flow liquid (gallons per minute, gpm)
Cpl= specific heat capacity of liquid (Btu/lb oF)
SGl= specific gravity of fluid
dtl= temperature difference liquid (oF)
Ls= latent heat steam (Btu/lb)
Steam Heating Air or Gas Flow
ms = qg 60 ρg Cpg dtg / Ls (3)
ms = steam mass flow rate (lbs./hr.)
qg = volume flow gas (cubic feet per minute, cfm)
ρg = density of the gas (lb/ft3)
Cpg = specific gravity of the gas
dtg = temperature difference gas (oF)
Ls = latent heat steam (Btu/lb)
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