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Steam Pipes - Heat Losses (W/m)

Heat losses from un-insulated steam pipes.

Heat loss from steam pipes depends on pipe sizes, insulation qualities, steam temperatures (steam pressures) and surrounding temperatures.

heat loss uninsulated steam pipes

The table below and figure above can be used to estimate heat loss from bare un-insulated horizontal steam pipes - still air conditions - and air temperature ranging 10oC to 25oC.

Steam Pipes - Heat Loss vs. Temperature Differences
Temperature Difference between Steam and Surrounding air
Heat Loss (W/m)
Dimension (mm)
15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 150
56 54 65 79 103 108 132 155 188 233 324
67 68 82 100 122 136 168 198 236 296 410
78 83 100 122 149 166 203 241 298 360 500
89 99 120 146 179 205 246 289 346 434 601
100 116 140 169 208 234 285 337 400 501 696
111 134 164 198 241 271 334 392 469 598 816
125 159 191 233 285 321 394 464 555 698 969
139 184 224 272 333 373 458 540 622 815 1133
153 210 255 312 382 429 528 623 747 939 1305
167 241 292 357 437 489 602 713 838 1093 1492
180 274 329 408 494 556 676 808 959 1190 1660
194 309 372 461 566 634 758 909 1080 1303 1852

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