Resistors - Color Codes Calculator
Color codes for fixed resistors - values and tolerances - online calculator.
Color codes for fixed resistors:
Color | Significant Figures | Multiplier | Tolerance |
Silver | 10-2 | +/- 10% | |
Gold | 10-1 | +/- 5% | |
Black | 0 | 1 | |
Brown | 1 | 10 | +/- 1% |
Red | 2 | 102 | +/- 2% |
Orange | 3 | 103 | |
Yellow | 4 | 104 | |
Green | 5 | 105 | +/- 0.5% |
Blue | 6 | 106 | +/- 0.25% |
Violet | 7 | 107 | +/- 0.1% |
Grey | 8 | 108 | |
White | 9 | 109 | |
None | +/- 20% |
Four Band Fixed Resistor
Two first bands (first band is the one nearest the end of the resistor) indicates the value, the third indicates the multiplier and the fourth indicates tolerance.
Example - Value Four Band Fixed Resistor
A resistor with the four color bands
yellow - violet - orange - red
4 - 7 - 103 - +/-2%
has a value of 47 kΩ with tolerance +/- 2%.
Four Band Resistor Calculator
Band 1 | Band 2 | Multiplier | Tolerance |
Download and print Resistors - Standard Colors Codes table
Five Band Fixed Resistor
Three first bands (first band is the one nearest the end of the resistor) indicates the value, the fourth indicates the multiplier and the fifth indicates tolerance.
Example - Value Five Band Fixed Resistor
A resistor with the five color bands
red - yellow - white - orange - brown
2 - 4 - 9 - 103 - +/-1%
has a value of 249 kΩ with tolerance +/- 1%.
Five Band Resistor Calculator
Band 1 | Band 2 | Band 3 | Multiplier | Tolerance |
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