Cash Flow Diagrams
Cash Flow Diagram - Loan Transaction
A loan transaction starts with a positive cash flow when the loan is received - and continuous with negative cash flows for the pay offs.
- upward arrows - positive cash flow (receiving the loan)
- downward arrows - negative cash flow (pay off)
The Present Value of the cash flows can be calculated by multiplying each cash flow with a Discount Rate.
Cash Flow Diagram - Investment Transaction
An investment transaction starts with a negative cash flow when the investment is done - and continuous with positive cash flows when receiving the pay backs.
- upward arrows - positive cash flows (pay back)
- downward arrows - negative cash flow (investing)
Related Topics
• Economics
Engineering economics - cash flow diagrams, present value, discount rates, internal rates of return - IRR, income taxes, inflation.
Related Documents
Bid Work Flow Template
A bid work flow template - Online with Google Docs.
Compound Interest Tables
Compound interest tables - interests rates 0.25 - 60%.
Contract Types
Commonly used engineering and construction contracts.
Discrete Compounding Cash Flow Formulas
Discrete payments compounding equations and online calculators .
Interest Formulas
Future value of single cash flow.
Interest Rate
Interest rate is the cost of money.
Internal Rate of Return - IRR
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) - the break-even interest rate.
Net Present Worth (NPW) of a Cash Stream
The value of a stream of payments is called the Net Present Worth (NPW).
Present Value
The value of money in the future is the Present Value.
The ASTM E1557 UNIFORMAT II Standard.
Value Engineering
Improved value by enhanced function.