Noise generated by Road Traffic
Estimate noise level generated by traffic.
Hourly traffic noise level from roads with speed 75 km/h can be indicated from the chart sbelow:
Download and print Noise Level from Traffic chart
Download and print Noise Level from Traffic - Correction for Heavy Traffic chart
Example - Traffic noise from a road
From the first chart the hourly noise level from a road with 100 vehicles per hour and speed 75 km/h can be estimated to
62 dBA
If the percentage of heavy vehicles is 15% the last chart indicates that
3 dBA
must be added.
It can be assumed that the hourly noise level is approximately
62 dBA + 3 dBA = 65 dBA
Note that this level is only an indication. The noise is influenced by speed, standard and types of vehicles, tarmac quality, type of wheels with or without studs - and more.
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