Alternative Fuels - Properties
Properties of alternative fuels like biodiesel, E85, CNG and more.
Properties of some alternative fuels:
For full table with SI units and LHV values - rotate the screen!
Fuel | Cet.No1) | RON2) | MON2) | Density (lb/gal(US liq)) | Density (kg/m3) | LHV3) (Btu/gal) | LHV3) (Btu/lb) | LHV3) (kJ/kg) | LHV3) (kcal/kg) |
100% Ethanol | 8 | 109 | 90 | 6.6 | 791 | 75600 | 11500 | 26750 | 6390 |
E85, 85% Ethanol | 105 | 89 | 6.5 | 779 | 83600 | 12855 | 30000 | 7170 | |
10% Ethanol/gasoline | 96.5 | 86 | 6.1 | 731 | 111000 | 18000 | 42350 | 10110 | |
10% Ethanol/diesel | 45 | 7.0 | 839 | 123000 | 17500 | 40950 | 9780 | ||
100% Methanol | 5 | 109 | 89 | 6.7 | 803 | 56200 | 8400 | 19550 | 4670 |
100% Soy methyl-ester | 49 | 7.3 | 875 | 120200 | 16500 | 38400 | 9170 | ||
B100, 100% Biodiesel | 54 | 117000 | 15800 | 36750 | 8780 | ||||
B20, 20% Biodiesel, 80% petrodiesel | 46 | 18100 | 42100 | 10050 | |||||
#2 Diesel | 44 | 6.7-7.4 | 803-887 | 126000-130000 | 18000-19000 | 41900-44200 | 10000-10550 | ||
#1 Diesel | 44 | 7.6 | 911 | 125800 | 16600 | 38600 | 9220 | ||
Gasoline | 90-100 | 80-90 | 6 | 719 | 115400 | 19200 | 44650 | 10670 | |
CNG - Compressed Natural Gas | < 0 | > 127 | 122 | 20400 | 47450 | 11330 | |||
LNG - Liquified Natural Gas | < 0 | > 127 | 122 | 3.5 | 419 | 78000 | 22300 | 51850 | 12390 |
LPG - Propane | 109 | 96 | 4.2 | 503 | 83600 | 19900 | 46300 | 11050 | |
DME - Dimethyl ether | 55-60 | 5.6 | 671 | 74800 | 13600 | 31650 | 7550 |
1) Cetane number is a measurement of the combustion quality or ignition delay of diesel fuel during compression ignition
2) Octane number is a measure of the resistance of fuels to detonation or ignition. Research Octane Number (RON) is measured with an engine speed of 600 rpm, while Motor Octane Number (MON) is measured with an engine speed of 900 rpm.
3) LHV - Lower Heat Value - is the net amount of heat produced by combustion of a unit quantity of a fuel
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