Scientific and Engineering Terms - ANSI Abbreviations
Abbreviations for Use on Drawings and in Text, ANSI Y1.1 - 1972:
Term | Abbreviation |
Absolute | abs |
Alternating current | ac |
Ampere-hour | amp hr |
Angstrom unit | A |
Antilogarithm | antilog |
Arithmetical average | aa |
Atmosphere | atm |
Atomic weight | at wt |
Avoirdupois | avdp |
Barometer | baro |
Board feet (feet board measure) | fbm |
Boiler pressure | bopress |
Boiling point | bp |
Brinell hardness number | Bhn |
British thermal unit | Btu or B |
Bushel | bu |
Calorie | cal |
Candle | cd |
Center to center | c to c |
Centimeter | cm |
Centimeter-gram-second (system) | cgs |
Chemical | chem |
Chemically pure | cp |
Circular | circ |
Circular mil | cmil |
Coefficient | coef |
Cologarithm | colog |
Concentrate | conc |
Conductivity | cndct |
Constant | const |
Cord | cd |
Cosecant | csc |
Cosine | cos |
Cost, insurance and freight | cif |
Cotangent | ctn |
Counter electromotive force | cemf |
Cubic | cu |
Cubic centimeter | cm3 or cc |
Cubic foot | ft3 or cu ft |
Cubic feet per second | ft3/s or cfs |
Cubic inch | in3 or cu in |
Cubic meter | m3 or cu m |
Cubic millimeter | mm3 or cumm |
Cubic yard | yd3 or cu yd |
Current density | cd |
Cylinder | cyl |
Decibel | dB |
Degree | de or o |
Degree Centigrade | oC |
Degree Fahrenheit | oF |
Degree Kelvin | K |
Diameter | dia |
Direct current | dc |
Dozen | doz |
Dram | dr |
Efficiency | eff |
Electric | elec |
Electromotive force | emf |
Elevation | el |
Engine | eng |
Engineer | engr |
Engineering | engrg |
Equation | eq |
External | ext |
Fluid | fl |
Foot | ft |
Foot-candle | fc |
Foot-Lambert | fL or fl |
Foot per minute | fpm |
Foot per second | fps |
Foot-pound (unit of work or mechanical energy) | ft lb |
Foot-pound-second (system) | fps |
Free on board | fob |
Freezing point | fp |
Frequency | freq |
Fusion point | fnpt |
Gallon | gal |
Gallon per minute | gpm |
Gallon per second | gps |
Grain | gr |
Gram | g |
Greatest common divisor | gcd |
High pressure | hp |
Horsepower | hp |
Horsepower-hour | hp hr |
Hour | h or hr |
Hyperbolic cosine | cosh |
Hyperbolic sine | sinh |
Hyperbolic tangent | tanh |
Inch | in |
Inch per second | in/s or ips |
Inch-pound | in lb |
Indicated horsepower-hour | iph |
Intermediate pressure | ip |
Internal | intl |
Kilovolt-ampere/hour | KVA-h or kVah |
Kilowatt-hour meter | kwhm |
Latitude | lat |
Least common multiple | lcm |
Liquid | liq |
Logarithm (common) | log |
Logarithm (natural) | ln |
Low pressure | lp |
Lumen per watt | lm/W or lpw |
Magnetomotive force | mmf |
Mathematics (ical) | math |
Maximum | max |
Mean effective pressure | mep |
Melting point | mp |
Meter | m |
Meter-kilogram-second | mks |
Microfarad | μF |
Mile | mi |
Mile per hour | mi/h or mph |
Milliampere | mA |
Minimum | min |
Molecular weight | mol wt |
Molecule | mo |
National Electric Code | NEC |
Ounce | oz |
Ounce-inch | oz in |
Pennyweight | dwt |
Pint | pt |
Potential difference | pd |
Pound | lb |
Pound-force foot (torque unit) | lbf ft or lb ft |
Pound-force inch (torque unit) | lbf in or lb in |
pound-force per square foot | lbf/ft2 or psf |
pound-force per square inch | lbf/in2 or psi |
pound per horsepower | lb/hp or php |
Powerfactor | pf |
Quart | qt |
Reactive volt-ampere meter | rva |
Revolution per minute | r/min or rpm |
Revolution per second | r/s or rps |
Root mean square | rms |
Round | rnd |
Secant | sec |
Second | s or sec |
Sine | sin |
Specific gravity | sp gr |
Specific heat | sp ht |
Square | sq |
Square centimeter | cm2 or sq cm |
Square foot | ft2 or sq ft |
Square inch | in2 or sq in |
Square kilometer | km2 or sq km |
Square root of mean square | rms |
Standard | std |
Tangent | tan |
Temperature | temp |
Tensile strength | ts |
Versed sine | vers |
Volt | V |
Watt | W |
Watthour | Wh |
Week | wk |
Weight | wt |
Yard | yd |
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