Hot Water Boiler - Circulation Rates
Boiler power and water flow - Imperial and SI-units.
The relation between
- boiler capacity (or power)
- temperature drop of the water flow in a system serviced by boiler
- circulated water flow
are indicated in the diagrams below:
Water Circulation - Boiler Capacity in BHP - Temperature drop in degrees Fahrenheit
- 1 gal (US)/min = 6.30888x10-5 m3/s = 0.0227 m3/h = 0.06309 dm3(liter)/s = 2.228x10-3 ft3/s = 0.1337 ft3/min = 0.8327 Imperial gal (UK)/min
- 1 hp (English horse power) = 745.7 W = 0.746 kW = 550 ft lb/s = 2,545 Btu/h
Water Circulation - Boiler Capacity in MBtu/h - Temperature drop in degrees Fahrenheit
- 1 Btu/h = 0.293 W
Water Circulation - Boiler Capacity in kW - Temperature drop in degrees Celsius
- 1 kW = 3,412 Btu/h = 1.341 British hp
Example - Water flow through Boiler
A boiler with capacity 50 kW increases the temperature of the circulated water with 20 oC - the water flow through the boiler according the diagram above is
0.6 kg/s
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