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Structural Lumber - Section Sizes

Basic size, area, moments of inertia and section modulus for timber - metric units.

timber lumber metric sizes

Structural Lumber  - Section Sizes and Physical Properties
SizeAreaSection ModulusArea Moment of InertiaRadius of Gyration
(mm x mm)(102 mm2)(103 mm3)(103 mm3)(106 mm4)(106 mm4)(mm)(mm)
100 x 38 38 63.3 24.1 3.17 0.46 28.9 11.0
100 x 50 50 83.3 41.7 4.17 1.04 28.9 14.4
100 x 63 63 105 66.2 5.25 2.08 28.9 18.2
100 x 75 75 125 93.8 6.25 3.52 28.9 21.7
100 x 100 100 167 167 8.33 8.33 28.9 28.9
150 x 38 57 143 36.1 10.7 0.69 43.3 11.0
150 x 50 75 188 62.5 14.1 1.56 43.3 14.4
150 x 63 94 236 99.2 17.7 3.13 43.3 18.2
150 x 75 112 281 141 21.1 5.27 43.3 21.7
150 x 100 150 375 250 28.1 12.5 43.3 28.9
150 x 150 225 563 563 42.2 42.2 43.3 43.3
175 x 38 66 194 42.1 17.0 0.80 50.5 11.0
175 x 50 87 255 72.9 22.3 1.82 50.5 14.4
175 x 63 110 322 116 28.1 3.65 50.5 18.2
175 x 75 131 383 164 33.5 6.15 50.5 21.7
200 x 38 76 253 48.1 25.3 0.91 57.7 11.0
200 x 50 100 333 83.3 33.3 2.08 57.7 14.4
200 x 63 126 420 132 42.0 4.17 57.7 18.2
200 x 75 150 500 188 50.0 7.03 57.7 21.7
200 x 100 200 667 333 66.7 16.7 57.7 28.9
200 x 150 300 1000 750 100 56.3 57.7 43.3
200 x  200 400 1333 1333 133 133 57.7 57.7
225 x 38 85 321 54.2 36.1 1.03 65.0 11.0
225 x 50 112 422 93.8 47.5 2.34 65.0 14.4
225 x 63 141 532 149 59.8 4.69 65.0 18.2
225 x 75 168 633 211 71.2 7.91 65.0 21.7
250 x 50 125 521 104 65.1 2.60 72.2 14.4
250 x 75 187 781 234 97.7 8.79 72.2 21.7
250 x 100 250 1042 417 130 20.8 72.2 28.9
250 x 250 625 2604 2604 326 326 72.2 72.2

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